I'm here

If you need me, call me. I don't care if I'm sleeping. If I'm having my own problems or if I'm mad at you. If you need me and If you need to talk to me I'll always be there for you. no matter how big or how small your problem is. I WILL always be there for you. ?

I put this as my Facebook stautes. I want my friend to know I'm there for them. I'm writeing this journal because, even though you don't have my phone number, I'm there to talk to people who need it. I don't care If I don't know you, and it doesn't matter. If you need to talk, let it out, I'm here. I will always be.

I see people on the news who killed themselfs, young people, and I feel like I could have helped. I know I couldn't have, but I feel I should do something. I know I can. You don't have to talk to me, I just want you to know that I DO care.

Love is the movement.
May 14th, 2012 at 05:06am