lol: lots of losers

I'm kidding. I just wanted to make a cool title. Okay, on with it. I will share my insignificant thoughts on the meaning and use of lol.

"lol" meaning "laugh out loud"

First of all (and I will be completely, ruthlessly honest in this journal entry) when I see that someone has used lol, I think of a turkey going "gobble gobble lol gobble gobble" with that little red flesh thing hanging from their chin bobbing back and forth. I don't know why this, of all things, is what comes to my mind. But it just is.

Second, and this has been stated many times before, 99% of the time people use lol, they are not, actually, laughing out loud. It's more like a "oh cool that was funny" or better yet "I don't want to sound like a b*tch, so I'm just going to put this here and hope it works."

"lol" does not mean "laugh out loud" anymore. It does not. That's still what it stands for, but the actual meaning and connotation of lol has morphed into a catch-all phrase. It lets both or all parties of an online conversation know that yes! They are having fun. lol! We're being funny online! I'm not a b*tch! lol!

I used to use lol all the time. It was easy. I could say something b*tchy, put lol on the end of it, and nobody would get pissy. Then I switched to omg, and then to omfg, and now I just use ok all the time. Ah, reminiscing about internet phases.

What do you think about lol? Do you use it? Do you use it as a joke or do you use it literally?
May 14th, 2012 at 05:40am