her logic so disorganizing

It’s two thirty six in the morning. I don’t know why I choose to write nonsense at such random times. Perhaps I cannot sleep with all these thoughts in my head. I wonder how to ease my mind. All these silly thoughts I have. Something is telling me my logic so disorganizing. I am not as crazy as I remember and I know that’s not what people like to hear. The thing about me being crazy, because people should never categorize themselves; and yet I said crazy because I remember multiple thoughts in my head. You know those violent angry thoughts that people tend to avoid, because they try to avoid the abnormal. Unless they themselves are abnormal or sad and lonely then they won’t look for you. Most people will come to you to let you listen to their lives. You may be willing until you get tired of hearing the same thing. You see you try to help and yet you can’t because people don’t listen to advice. Fools won’t take it and most people don’t need it. So if you listen to them, yes that’s right listen to them, don’t speak, and don’t give advice, just listen. When you’re done that’s when you can say something. It’s tricky so tricky when you are attempting to make sense of this world.

I was wondering why we made things so complicated. So many languages and for what so we cannot understand each other? No one knows a better way to fix it except to adapt and accept it and perhaps learn the languages. I’m the one who talks nonsense and you are the reader. Tell me what you get from this. If you’ve spent a moment reading this far perhaps you can help me make sense of this. Why do we take things for granted? Can’t we appreciate what we have? All the little things in life that we eventually realize were the big things. Even the embarrassing awkward moments, you know the ones that seem to last forever? Our minds work better open and yet we choose to keep them closed. We decide we want to be defensive and take every word as an attack. We decide how successful we shall become by the effort and on how quickly we quit. We always ask ourselves is life good? And our answers yes/no. well if yes good, how long will it last? As long as we can keep things that way is exactly how we can think. We should just enjoy the moments. What if life is not good in our minds? Then let’s change something so it can be good. What? We can’t change it, then why worry…regardless if we can or can’t why worry? Don’t worry about whose letting you do the things you want to do, question who’s going to stop you! What is the use of worrying?

Thoughts, words, actions, habits, character, and personality are all the main things you should mind. Focus on yourself because you are your own worst enemy and critic. Thinking before you speak is something very few people have mastered. These are all things you come to realize. Don’t waste your energy on idiots because if you do then you are letting idiots ruin your day. Don’t get stuck working at a job you hate dealing with people you can’t stand and constantly being angry and moody. Find an out. It may take time but don’t give up. I don’t know the answers of life and yet I know that we are all trying to better ourselves and therefore here we are putting up with what we don’t particularly love. Enjoy the people in your life who make you smile and appreciate those whom care for you. Try to gain more patience for those whom constantly cause us to get annoyed or agitated. Remember we are all humans and have feelings so try not to be too harsh when being honest. Well to end this I will say good night at three in the morning on a Monday of May fourteen.
May 14th, 2012 at 12:08pm