When Doctor Who? became Jace Lightwood and miraculously rose from the ashes of nowhereness.

So yeah, I haven't posted anything on here in a very long time. I'm not ill (worse). All that merely happened is currently all my stuff is stuck on my old laptop with a screen that doesn't work and as of yet I haven't transferred anything to my new laptop.

I haven't stopped writing or posting I just can't at the minute. I am always thinking of new things to write, my brain is a blur of activity sometimes which is nothing unusual. So don't give up on me yet guys!


In the meantime between the last time I posted anything on here I have been to Las Vegas, bought my Download ticket for year, booked a holiday to Rome, turned twenty-three, still not bagged a man and discovered some amazing books!

Like seriously, temporarily been swayed from 'The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray' and 'The Looking Glass Wars' to Cassandra Clare's amazing-ness. Evidently judging by my name change and the fact I have finally changed my picture from Synyster Gates.


Oh, and I've been hiding on Tumblr.

May 14th, 2012 at 06:22pm