Sherlock || Tumblr || + *** me your stories

Have you seen Sherlock? I'm figuring you have if you clicked on this journal.

Either that or you were roped in by the promise of whoring.

If you haven't seen it, by god man GO WATCH IT. The first series is on Netflix!

For those of you who have no idea what this show is, it's pretty straight forward. A modernized Sherlock Holmes. It's amazing. I can't even put in words how great this series is. I haven't fangirled this hard since I was about 11. In fact I don't even think I fangirled this hard over something when I was 11.

I've watched every episode multiple times, and I still have all the feels and all the emotions.

Just watch the trailer and tell me this is not perfect. Actually don't tell me that, I think I'd die a little inside. But do watch it.

See? SEE? It's perfect.

On another note I remade my tumblr:

I post a lot of random things, funny things, things that make me smile, things that don't make me smile, things with mustaches, sherlock of course, some harry potter, hunger games hipster pictures and all sorts of other things.

So yeah, I follow back. Unless you're a porn blog. Then it's questionable whether I'll follow you.

And I'll probably fuck the shit out of your blog if has any of those things up there in that list.

Also I feel extremely accomplished because I managed to hoard the name BenedickCumberbitch for my new Sherlock blog. :D


And now the moment you've all be waiting for, or probably scrolled to in the beginning.


Drop the title and a little description and I'll check it out sometime today and most likely comment on it.

And I'll whore mine just because whoring.

Stop Pretending That You're Sorry
May 15th, 2012 at 03:37pm