What the hell am I doing here, I haven't read a story in like two years. (Free comments, yo.)

It's true. I don't know why I'm here.

I've been on Mibba for more than four damn years. And before that I was on GSB when their stories weren't hosted by Mibba. Since before Mibba existed, bro. I think.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that if you have a story you'd like comments on, just say, and I'll comment on it. I might even do like, a proper review.

I barely post stories, and I seldom read any, so I don't know why I'm here. I'm mostly in the articles section, commenting sourly, though lately they've been good. So give me a reason to be here and give me your damn stories.

You know you want to.

May 16th, 2012 at 12:12am