About myself, and questions .

Thank you for the welcomes. I feel right at home .
I'm not going to go on with this journal for hours but I will talk for a little while so that this journal doesn't seem THAT pointless.

Let's see ? I'll talk about myself and than ask some questions .
I'm very sensitive . But most people are.
I don't put up with drama and bullying . I've been bullied for the longest time, and finally in the 9th grade, it ended. I guess MY particular high school learned to mature a little more. Which is rare .
I live in Florida . I don't really like it here. I wanna move to Las Vegas . I wanna meet Criss Angel and Carrot Top . <3 My Loves . :)
I've been writing stories since I was 10 . It's been attached to me ever since. I can't stop now, I'm addicted .
I am currently writing a story about Disney Stars.
Justin Bieber.
Miley Cyrus.
Demi Lovato(X-Factor it girl now<3)
Taylor Swift.
And my personal favourite?

You should read it . It's gonna be killer . :]

Question time !

1. What is your favourite color? ( Mine is Green!)
2. Who is your actress/actor? ( Actress: Selena Gomez, Actor: Johnny Depp).
3. What is your favourite song? (Mind is, She doesn't mind, by: Sean Paul . :])
4. How was your day today?

Thanks for reading .
Bye all.
Have a wonderful Tuesday.<3
May 16th, 2012 at 01:22am