Friendships Or Relationships!?

I'm kinda feeling weird at the moment,because my first Journal didn't work out so well. Before I get into this journal, I would like to say that the other one I made was about abortions,and I kinda made that one because I was upset with my sister for getting one,and I think I made a lot of people mad,so yea I taken that down out of respect, and now I'm creating this one. So about a year ago when I was a freshman in high school. My best friend would go on and on about some guy. OMG, he so cute, he so nice, he so smart, etc. So one day she finally introduce me to him,his name was Steve. Now when I seen this guy,I was surprise,I mean he was really cute. So I added him on Facebook when I got home and of course I got his number so we talk for mouths until he ask me to go with him,so I did. I mean his personality was just right,and his hard to meet a guy that your attracted to and has a great personality,plus he told me that he didn't like my friend so much,to be honest at first I was trying to hook the two up. It didn't go as planned. She ended up finding out about it soon after,and me and her completely stop talking. To this day me and her are not friends anymore.

Geez, My question is should A friendship really be broken up, other a guy. To some of my other friends, they comment and said that she did too much,and that it wasn't worth it, so yea.
Soo you guys decided,was it worth a friendship!??

Oh,and I know the spaces go after comma and periods,I'm too lazy.
May 16th, 2012 at 02:54am