Time for some change

My middle school days are almost over. The huge DC trip is over and the end of the year graduation party is getting closer day by day. I'm not ready to leave behind middle school Derek behind just yet though...

There wasn't any HUGE drama and things were just chill most of the time. I'm gonna miss that once I walk through the drama-filled doors of high school.

Anywhore, I felt like I wanted to leave Middle School with a bang...so I'm dying my hair. I'm known as the innocent, smarty-pants goody-two shoes so this is going to be a bit shocking to the people in my school. I'm looking forward to it. I've never dyed my hair before so I'm not sure how it'll go. I just want to see the reactions of everyone.

I've accepted that I'm not the most handsome, drop-dead good looking guy in my school. Most would tell me I'm the complete opposite, but I'm hoping some blonde in my hair will help that a little bit.

Goodbye innocent Derek, hello rebel Derek :D
May 16th, 2012 at 03:50am