Is it wrong?

I know a girl who's life has been a little full of drama. She wanted me to post some questions along with some answers. I'll put the questions and then answer. Here we go:
1) Is it wrong to wish for more pain, just so that you have something new to deal with rather than having to face what has already happened?
2) Is it wrong to wish for bad things to happen just so you got attention that you'd never had before?
3) Is it wrong to be your own best friend because you have no one else?
4) Is it wrong to want to run away just to see if anyone would miss you or look for you?
5) Is it wrong to wish you had a talent you could exploit for a drop of attention?
6) Is it wrong to ignore everyone yet want everyone to talk to you?
7) Is it wrong to want sympathy?
8) Is it wrong to pretend that you're ok even when you feel like dying inside?
9) Is it wrong to want bad things to happen?
10) Is it wrong to expect the best and to be disappointed when it doesn't happen?
11) Is it wrong to only like someone that you know will never like you back?
12) is it wrong to expect disappointment?
13) Is it wrong to push people away just to see if they would fight to hold on?
14) Is it wrong to want people to fight for you even when you want nothing else from them?
15) Is it wrong to want to be noticed?

I think the answer to all these things is the same. No. It's not wrong. It's natural. Everyone has those days that they wish had never happened. Everyone has something they wish they could take back. Everyone has that one person that they look at and kick themselves for not going for it. It happens to everyone and can happen to anyone.

The best part about answering these questions is that I'm completely biased on the subject because the girl who asked these questions is my best friend. And as psychopathic as it is, my best friend is me... Say what you want but I needed at least someone to stand up for me and no one else does. That's all anyone wants...
May 16th, 2012 at 06:21am