Content or conflicted.

I am probably the happiest I've ever been right now, I'm in a relationship with a girl who possesses all of the qualities I've ever sought after. I think it's safe to say that I am in love with her. If you've read anything I've ever written this concept may seem strange to you and, although, it is one I'm not familiar with I couldn't be more content. However, there are a few little things eating away at me. Firstly, the timestamp on this relationship; since I'm moving away to attend university in four months we both decided it would be easier to end it when that time arises. This, I know, will be torturous for the both of us as neither of us will want this change to occur but it will have to transpire in such a way that no blame can be placed and no emotions can be stifled. This makes the whole situation a bitter-sweet affair. Antithesis dwells between the fear of losing her and the fact I must make the most of what little time we have left.
Secondly; we both have aspects of our personalities we'd rather not surface for the sake of our relationship. Even though she finds my other side 'intriguing' I would still rather not subject her to the psychopathic, mental unstable, homicidal monster that dwells on the underside of my persona. I'm just worried that one day she'll see this side of me (Which I would never release upon her.) and it will alter how she sees me. I know she's read my other posts and will probably read this, so she must have some idea of what goes on in my head most of the time. Still, I can't help but feel that if she ever saw this side of me in person she would no longer find it 'intriguing' but terrifying. I don't ever want what we have to end but all good things must pass, perhaps it really is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all....
May 16th, 2012 at 11:06pm