Good music + Taking chances...for once

So i'm listening to this guy Ron Pope right now, and he's like so amazing, sort of blues-e and so amazing. This song Last First Kiss is so beautiful, and I've decided I'm doing a cover of it for sure!! I also discovered I love composing! I totally took over my graduation song and it's all up to me how it goes now! I'm so excited!! And I've decided I'm going to make covers on my youtube channel very soon. I'm going to start making the videos maybe this week, but I won't actually post them for another two weeks because I then if anyone from school finds them they can't really say anything about it because I can just be like screw you i'm leaving this school and won't have to deal wit ignorant inconsiderate people like you. Thanks bye :) I just hope that this all goes as planned! So if you want to see me play some good music and sing a bit, and maybe just talk keep up with my profile, because I will be making another post with the link to my channel in it. :) It might not be important to you, but it sure means a lot to me, so if you can check it out if not then that's great too.
May 17th, 2012 at 04:48am