I left him.

I broke up with my boyfriend. Like I said in my post from earlier, he was getting crazy possessive and controlling. He started telling me things I could and couldn’t do, wear, say, he even told me that I wasn’t allowed to see other guys shirtless.

He’s always been kind of crazy. When we broke up before, he showed up at my house and basically attacked me. I had a black eye.

Somehow, he convinced me that he had changed, and that I could trust him. And I really wanted him to be there with me for everything. I wanted him to be there for the ups and downs of this pregnancy, and for raising our little one.

But like several people have told me, being with him just for the baby was a terrible idea. I don’t want to raise my son or daughter in the world that him and I staying together would have created.
May 17th, 2012 at 06:30am