Blogging and Annoying People.

I created a blog on blogspot, just because I've been reading so many lately. You guys are welcome to follow me there, just because I hardly ever do anything on this site anymore.

I mean, I come on to see if I have any comments or anything, even though I know I won't because I never talk to anyone like I did last summer where I couldn't pull myself away from mibba.


So my mom, she is obsessed with American Idol. She talks about all this music stuff like she knows what she's freaking talking about. Nothing I hate more than someone talking about something they just don't know about.

For example, "She doesn't f*ckin' know how to sing the song." She says it every time one of the contestants she doesn't like sings. Drives me insane. Actually, she drives me insane.

Well follow me on tumblr and my blogspot, I guess. :)

May 18th, 2012 at 03:10am