My words of wisdom.

I lied. There are no such words to be found in this journal.

Over the past few days, I've found myself playing Agony Uncle more and more. I don't get why people come to me... well I do. It's because the advice I give is usually brilliant (not to blow my own horn or anything...). But it is.

However, one thing I'd like to touch upon is this: cheating. More specifically, when you know someone has cheated on their partner and you know both the person AND partner in question AND the girl he cheated with, what do you do?

I'm a moral person. I believe that if you've lied and deceived a person, you should be big enough to take responsibility for your actions.

The problem is, I'm stuck on a fence. I want to tell his partner because it's not fair on her. Yet I don't want to because I'll lose his friendship. Not to mention the other girl is a good friend and I'll lose her friendship too. In either situation, if his partner finds out, I lose a good friend.

I've probably rambled without making too much sense. But what I'd like to ask, Mibba, is what would YOU do in my situation? Tell his partner and potentially lose all three friendships? Or stay quiet and feign ignorance? He doesn't know that I know, by the way. Let's just say, I received an email recently with an entire conversation copied from their facebook messages. I don't even know who sent it.

But yeah. What would YOU do?
May 19th, 2012 at 12:12am