The term 'friendzoned' and why I hate it.

I’m sure we all know what this term, friendzoned, means. Now, usually (but not all the time), people use it to describe the witchy girl who’s looking for a nice guy but keeps dating jerks when oh my god, the nice guy is their best friend and why don’t these stupid women just realize that? I’ve heard girls use it to, to describe how a guy has friendzoned them and they’re sad because they’re are the nice, different girls, not like those easy witches that they always go out with.

I’d like to direct all of you supposed nice boys and girls that society is just overlooking to a lovely quote I stumbled upon whilst on Tumblr.

“If you’re a “nice guy” to a girl up until you realize she doesn’t want to date you, then go on about how she’s a cold shrew that friendzoned you and how no girls date nice guys, like, nah mate, girls do date nice guys. You just aren’t a nice guy. You’re a passive aggressive beta with internalized misogyny and a serious victim complex.”

(I do not own this quote, I didn’t say it or make it up, it’s not mine.)

That goes for girls too, although us “cold shrew women” seem to take the heat a lot of the time. I just want to point a few things out, things that I thought were fairly obvious, but I guess not.

1. You can’t help who you like. Can we all agree on that? Can we all say that our hearts, minds, and bodies just choose for us and we don’t have much of a say? I know I can. So, if you have a crush on me and I refuse you and you say that I’ve friendzoned you, you can go screw yourself. Take the ‘no’ like a man. Yeah, it hurts being rejected, heck, I’ve been rejected a lot and it stings. Makes you mad. Makes you wonder what’s wrong with you. But don’t sit there and blame me for being honest. That goes for anyone.

2. My next point is HONESTY. The truth hurts, right? Don’t people constantly complain about being fake? Lying? If I don’t like you like that, I’m going to be honest. Would you rather me lie? String you along? Lead you on? Because last I checked, that was a no no. But, wait, so is friendzoning someone. So, what the heck am I supposed to do? Sounds to me like anything I do is wrong. And stupid. Because all girls are stupid, right? Because all guys are dumb, right? Because they’re blinded and cannot see the perfect, nice man/woman that is you, standing there. Please. Do everyone a favor, and save that crap for someone else.

3. “…You just aren’t a nice guy. You’re a passive aggressive beta with internalized misogyny and a serious victim complex.” This. This, right friggin' here. My favorite is the ‘serious victim complex.’ It’s a perfect definition of anyone who actually thinks this friendzoning crap is real. This also applies to women as well.

I could probably think of more point if I really wanted to, but I just wanted to get this stuff out. It’s just ridiculous the amount of crap I get, and other people get, just because they don’t like someone like that. Just because they were upfront and honest.

Now, what I’m not okay with is when people use someone else’s feelings to their advantage. If you know someone likes you, be nice to them. (Unless they’re stalking you and hiding in shower or something.) Don’t be jerks. And if you like someone, don’t just wilt in their presence and let them use you. Have a back-bone. And let people down nicely. No need to be rude because someone thinks you're cute and lovely.

I’ve made some friendzoning jokes in my past as well. That's fine to me. You wanna joke, sure, why the heck not? Everything’s a joke nowadays. You’ve got blond jokes, racist jokes, dead baby jokes, gay jokes, religious jokes and so on. Honestly, I love joking around about this stuff, I do. I've heard them all. No one's innocent of never making an offensive joke, and that's okay. It’s when people start taking all of that seriously that I have the problem. Maybe that makes me a bad person, who the heck knows.

I dunno. It’s been grinding my gears lately. So, I vented. Carry on my wayward son. (And now that song is stuck in your head. Muahaha.)
May 19th, 2012 at 10:21am