I love gay people

So I've been noticing a lot lately that people honestly believe that all members of the Christian religion are against gay rights and whole bunch of other stuff because the bible says it's wrong.

Let's get some things straight.

I've only read half of the bible. I don't believe in most of the stuff our bible says. I sin everyday. AND I AM CHRISTIAN. I just want to make it clear that not all Christians are against gay rights in particular. Two very close family members of mine are gay and I love them the same. I don't think they're going to hell, and I don't think ANYONE gay is going to hell. There are Christians who don't believe in the bible, and theyre are Christians supporting gay rights.I don't even like the whole "gay rights" name/thing. It should be just "rights".

I hope I don't get a bunch of bashing/mean comments on here. This was simply to inform people that don't know, that us christians aren't squares. [:
May 19th, 2012 at 11:22pm