First AP Exam | Update | Comment Swap?

So, Thursday I took my first AP exam, and I was freaking out over it.

This year, my class was the first sophomore class that got an AP class, and the teacher was used to teaching AP to seniors and accelerated to sophomores. That, mixed with several instances of bad luck, miscommunication, and the rough path of the guinea pig class scared me. I did not feel prepared at all, sure I was going to fail.

Then I took it, and holy shit. It was so much better than I thought it was going to be. I was able to enjoy myself, because not only did we go out to lunch but we missed the first five periods of school, and we did nothing the last two.

And if you read my story, Love Through a Lens, that's why I haven't updated. I was studying furiously (read: avoiding my panic by distracting myself with Tumblr between studying until I panicked) but I did get to update tonight.

Anyone want to click RIGHT HERE and read it? I'd love to get feedback - especially because my beta is on vacay right now, and unable to give me her opinion.

Also, I'm up for a comment swap, if anyone's interested. Last time, I guess I wasn't clear enough, so here are the rules:

1. You leave the name of your story here.
2. You comment on mine first.
3. You give what you get.
4. It might not happen until tomorrow if I fall asleep, but if you comment on mine, I WILL COMMENT ON YOURS.

So, yeah. How was everyone's day here? Excited/nervous/whatever for new mibba?
May 20th, 2012 at 06:15am