Perfect body here I come! Body progress~

I haven't blogged or made an entry about my body before. But I see a lot of people do it. What people don't understand is that you can eat as much as you want but eat a larger number of meals and exercise as intense as you eat.

I am literally so sick of people complaining they are fat or chubby. If you starve yourself your metabolism doesn't do anything. It sits there like the fat on my hips. If you snack throughout the day, (grab a fruit sometimes) your metabolism keeps going and you keep burning calories, and then if you exercise as much as you eat or snack then there is no weight gain! MAGIC.

Just look at what Michael Phelps eats and look at his body. You think he starves to swim faster?


Actually I don't care about my weight since majority of it is muscle. I look good. ~<3

A few more tones and then I will achieve my goal. But the important thing is that I am always happy as I am.
May 21st, 2012 at 10:13am