Livejournal and an offer to beta. AKA: Happy turtle, purpose bunny.

So I joined Livejournal a week or so ago. Well, I had joined it years ago, but got instantly confused by the way the site works and so fled like an awesome person.
But then I joined it again. And boy there are lots of people needing betas. It's like I'm in heaven.

Or more specifically, like I'm a happy turtle who encountered a strawberry. BEHOLD!


Don't get me wrong, I love beta-ing/proofreading on mibba. But the editing thread isn't all that visited-upon, and when it is, it doesn't look that way. Whereas livejournal with their community thing (which still confuses me a little, I can't seem to find a list of things I've joined...) has lots of group pages where people post beta requests and whatnot. So since I've finished uni I've had about two to three stories a day to work on from there. Which makes me feel like I has a purpose!

Or more specifically, like a PURPOSE BUNNY.


Can you not feel its majesty? Its wondrous, numinous majesty?

But yes. If anyone's read any of the seldom-undeleted journals of mine in the past year, I'm a whiny old cad about the lack of beta work on here. But I won't find an animal-related picture for that because there is NO FROG grumpy enough to fully illustrate my whininess. >:

So consider this an offer. If you're lookin' for a beta for your story, no matter what rating or length or subject matter, I can try and help out. Even if there isn't a puppy in the story.
But yes. Dear mibba, I really like to proofread and beta read, so do me a solid and gimme yo storiez~
Woo new mibba coming! I'm excited. Excited like happy turtle and purpose bunny.
Though I feel I may grumpy-frog at the reactions that are to be expected.
Some people will say "Wow, this is awesome!"
Some people will say "But why did you have to change it?" and/or "This is Quizilla all over again!"
Some people will say "OMFG HATE IT" the second it comes out.

So to errone who thinks they might say one of the latter three; chill your beans. The new site's been tested by the staff, and they know what they're doin'. It's gonna be good, so y'all just need to chill. Eat a strawberry, it'll all be fine.
May 21st, 2012 at 05:29pm