Supposedly, I play dirty.

So I play a game called Assassin's Creed practically every night. I have about 4 people on my friends list that play also. I play with Dahlia usually when she's on and I play with Jeremy practically every time both of us are on ever since we added each other. Now when the 3 of us play together and we have to go after each other, we all take it maturely when we kill each other. I mean we swear sometimes when they're close to their target or whatever but neither of us say we cheat or anything.

Well last night, this guy named Luis requested me. And since I don't have many friends on my xbox I added him, I'm guessing I played with him before and that's why he added me. So today (an hour or so ago) he invited me into a private chat and invited me to play. It was me, Luis, and 2 of his friends. Even though I had my mic plugged in I muted myself since no one was really talking and I'm sure they didn't want to just hear my breathing.

Every time the game would have me go after one of them, if I had an ability (like to poison, mute, smoke bomb) I'd use it. I mean their in the game for you to use. Well they kept saying I was playing dirty whenever I would use a smoke bomb then poison. Or if they were after me, I'd stun them before they got the kill or I'd have a body guard stun them. And they were getting p*ssed. Every time I killed one of them they'd cry "She's dirty, blah blah blah using the smoke bombs and poison."

It's not my fault they aren't good with all the abilities and I am and know how to get high kill points. I've use the abilities so I could learn how to use them. I've switched up my ability sets to learn what goes good with what. That's how you get better.

Maybe they should use them to get good at them. I'm not going to go easy on them and not use my abilities cause they're cry babies. After 3 games they all left cause they didn't want to play with me anymore cause I was kicking their *sses. big time. I was like over 2000 point in head of them each game. Haha, though it did make me chuckle when they got p*ssed.
May 22nd, 2012 at 07:51am