New hobby.

I like to comment on the poems because I know first hand that seeing No comments beneath the title can break your day while just seeing a little number 1 can make your week.

The next chapters of all my stories have been written out, but if I submit them now I'll give the moderators a heart attack. I live for the write now edit later theory. It shows in the first draft. So have patience, I reread every paragraph at least ten times before letting it see the light of day. AND IT STILL ISN'T PERFECT, ARGH!!!!

I just keep on editing up to a week AFTER I've published something, cuz I'm that picky. A punctuation mark the moderators will let slide can keep me up for days if I don't fix it. And lord behold my wrath if I "forget" it because I'll "remember" it, but won't know what it is.

Sorry about my rant. I don't talk much, but give me a pen,pencil or keyboard and just try and make me shut up. That's all for now, but I'm sure I'll have something later.
July 13th, 2007 at 05:00pm