Keep The Change, You Filthy Animal.

I'm slowly losing what little faith and hope I have in humanity.

All I see is people desperate to look like, or to be, celebrities. Or thirteen year old girls calling each other 'sluts' and 'slags' and boasting about how many guys they've slept with. Or teenage girls walking round in shorts that show their arse cheeks like they're a walking advertisement for prostitution or STDs. It's pathetic how all people care about is who looks hotter than who and the latest trend.

Being a fourteen year old girl who's slept with seven or eight guys is not an achievement. It's not something to be proud of or something to boast about. It's sad to see how things have changed in the past few years.

I'm only seventeen years old, this isn't just a rant about 'the youth of today', it's about how people have become so obsessed with image and popularity and it's preventing them from realising what should actually matter in life.

I guess my question is; when did people become so shallow?
May 23rd, 2012 at 05:17pm