Dear, Love

Right now im probably the worst piece of shit in the world, i'm the biggest fuck up ever. I know your gonna read this, so im writing this directly to you. Im sorry, that doesnt even begin to describe how sorry i am. I fucked up so badly, i hurt you a second time and i cant take it back. I really hope that i dont loose you, i cant do that again, i cant be without you, it;s to hard. I deserve the way you are treating me, i deserve to not have you talk to me. Im not asking you to be my girlfriend again, im asking you if you still love me, and im gonna keep asking you that until the answer is no. I know you love me, i love you with all my heart, but i dont think this is just gonna go away, you have 2 choices, were done and thats it, or we can try again and hopefully i can be what you truly deserve. I never meant to hurt you and i never wanted to, but i did. I can;t take that back and i would if i could, im just praying that you love me enough to take another chance on me. I love you
May 23rd, 2012 at 07:50pm