Today Sucked

Today sucked. I found out my TAKS results. Let's just say that they weren't the best I have ever had. I passed my English and History(suprise to me in History I though. I would have failed but I passed.) And of course Math and Chemistry I failed. Math was well yeah I kinda knew I wouldn't have passed but you know I hoped. Well Chemistry was not my fault. My teacher never taught us anything he just sits In his chair and does attendance. This has and always will be the worst day. And well right now we are watching National Treasure. I love how he can just walked in to the presidents birthdday and they don't ask him a single question. I love movies. And then we watched The Women In Black. I screamed on a lot of the parts I was so embarrassed. Then like I completely walked out so far it wasn't even funny. It scared the living S*** out of me.
May 23rd, 2012 at 09:25pm