How 'bout them lock-downs? + Thor +questions

So today, we had a lock-down. Right in the middle of orchestra, I'm sitting there cello unpacked, bow on the strings, READY TO GO! And the announcements come on (use crackly P.A. voice) Hello Students, please pardon the interruption but we are now in a lock-down situation.Repeat, we are in a LOCK-DOWN situation. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. THIS IS A LOCK-DOWN. Please lock all doors and get to the nearest classroom. Thank you and try not to be murdered." (Fizzes out)

The back wall in the music room is made entirely of glass and there's a door from the outside RIGHT THERE. We were going to DIE. So, we put our stuff down and shuffle into the storage room and Mrs S turns off the lights. I trippin on people and knockin into stuff, bad enough I didn't have my glasses. So I end up with my buddies. And we sit on the floor, my friend Nick is munchin on his sammitch. And Mrs S is like "HUH, I NEED TO LOCK THE DOOR,NOW" and walks out. So, I was like "if she comes back and starts acting weirder that usual, we're gonna havta kill 'er" And he smiled (I think, it was dark) and agreed.

Anywhore, I have a huge crush on Nick cuz he's pretty awesome, and super funny. And we are sitting there in the dark and he's holding my hand and my friend, Syd's hand. And he brings his face all the fuckin way up to mine, our foreheads and noses are all touching and everything. So I'm thinking,"OH.MY. GOD. HE'S. GONNA. KISS. ME." But does he? NO. He stays touching his face with mine for a minute before pulling back. Then he finishes his sammitch and lays on Syd. So what do I? The only thing to do, I laid my face on his knee and traced my name on his arm with my finger for like 10 minutes before I kinda fell asleep. (I was up til 2:30 am again, guys, don't judge)

So, I woke up when I feel him touch my hand and he just winds his fingers in between mine and holds my hand til the lock-down is over. Then, we (after some considerable complaining) got up and were promptly blinded by the light (so to speak).

Also, my one friend, Brandon, looks exactly like Thor. So that's what I call him. He was going to defend us from the intruders(which we were convinced were either aliens or zombies) using he Norse god powers. Yep, Brandon is a BAMF. Also at some point that I was totally unaware of (prolly when I was asleep) Syd braided Brandon's gorgeous, blonde, shampoo-commercial - worthy, Thor hair. SO YEA.

On a side note my last orchestra concert as a freshman is tonight. We are playing the HALO theme song. Fuckin' A. Kay, thanks bye.

QUESTIONS: Does you have a friend that looks like a superhero?
Ever had a lock-down at school?
What's your favourite horror movie?
Ever been kissed?
Like anybody? (and when I say like, I mean like-like)
May 23rd, 2012 at 10:27pm