]'= Help? Comments? Advice? Anybody there for me?

Ok..... so i've been dating this guy for 6 months. Usualy i don't post about this and i don't ask for advice cuz i like to handel things by myself but i want to know what you guys think. ANYWHO!!!! i've been dating this guy for 6 months. He's NEVER once complimented me. I mean i'm not looking for compliments or anything but, you know, they're nice once in a while... Then he'll also joke with his friends about me; both behind my back and right in front of me. Of corse this gets me mad but when i let him know that he dosn't do anything about it. He LETS his friends talk shit about me. I mean he dosn't do ANYTHING to help me out if his friends are being asses. I'm not saying i NEED him to bail me out or anything like that, but once again, it would be nice if he could tell HIS FRIENDS to stop being jackasses! Of corse, this gets me mad and when i try to talk to him about it he just shruggs it off and seems like he's not even listening!

NOW at the begining of the summer i had to do this community service with the youth director of my town. I had to paint faces with my best friend at this art thingermabob. So it was kinda slow cuz it was also a time when the fair was only a town away. So this AMAZINGLY hot guy shows up and hangs out there for the whole morning. So because it was so slow the youth director let us go at three and me and my friend started walking to the next town to go to the fair. After a few muniutes we look across the street to see the same guy walking on the other side. He then went into another driveway. So we were like, wow this guy is hott. and we got lured to our friends house which was, coincidently, across the street from the guys house. so when we went out to continue our walking the guy was out and he smiled at us. so of corse, me being me, i waved and he was like come over here! and the street was REALY buisy so i said 'no you come over here' not thinking he actualy would. so i started walking before he crossed and my friend lingered behind. after a few minuites i noticed that she wasn't catching up so i looked behind me and saw them talking so i kinda evesdropped and i heard "what about your friend? she's cute. is she single? what's her number?" so of corse i walked over and i was like, "heyy, i'm mina, and no, i'm not single." and he was like "I'm [lets call him Jason] can i stil have you number? You might be single later." and so then later me and my friend were walking around the fair with my other friends that we had met up with and we saw him. Then my friedn was like ' i wonder what he would do if i called his name.' and i was like, 'if you have something to say to him then go ahead' and so she called his name and he looked back then it turns out she didn't have anything to say so i motioned for him to come over so he did and i was like 'do you want to hang out with us?' and so we all hung out together and he was REALY sweet. then last night we were hanging out at the park with my other friends and he was like 'can i talk to you for a minuite?' so i followed him and he told me that he liked me. in my head i was like yay! no wait that's not good. i have a boyfriend. and i mean he makes me feel like i'm actualy worth something. He tells me how "beautifuly gorgeous"(sp?) i am and all that. and he sticks up for me and calms me down when i'm mad and we can talk together.

SO! i want to break up with my boyfriend but even though he isn't perfect i know that he adores me and if i do break up with him it'll probabaly break his heart. and "Jason" is amazing..... But i don't know if i just want to be friends with "Jason". Probabaly not but right now i realy don't know exactly how i DO feel.
July 16th, 2007 at 08:05am