Ever feel like a broken record? I do

OK here's the thing.

I have a cousin (Who is crazy, crazier then I am) who is just so fixated on getting me in a relationship.Now I keep telling her:

"I don't want a relationship right now if it happens it happens."

But she just doesn't listen to me! Where I live there is not much to look at, just nothing but white ghetto looking people and preppy Christians who think the music I listen to is evil or something of that nature. And her taste in guys are not the best in the world, also she lies SO BAD that's ridiculous so I don't know what do believe whenever she talks.

Here's when she really pisses me off. OK, there's this guy that she supposedly went out with and she dumped. Then she tells me he likes me and wants to be with me.When I finally find him on MySpace guess what folks? He's gay! So I tell her and she has the gal to tell me:

"Change it, make him ungay."

Now, I don't know if some wired "Chasing Amy" phenomena happened but last time I checked you can't ungay a person. Next time she talks to me she told me he was bi and still wants to be with me. He's just depressed and confused and she told me he looks like Gerard Way.

People...I've seen pictures of this guy and I've been looking at Gerard Way pictures in God knows when and I tell you know. He does NOT in any way shape or form even look like him.So she talk to me the next time demanding me to talk to this guy cause he may be my match and I will just brush a guy who may just be my soul mate. Now here I go again telling her what I tell her thousands of times. I even ask her why is she so intent to get me in a relationship?

"I want you to be happy." She tells me.

To which I reply: "I'm happy by myself."

She finally let it alone but then I find out she gave him a e-mail asking what orientation he is and if he likes me. Because she think I like him but I'm not admitting it. So when she talks to me he apparently told her (I'm not really sure) that he's now gay because I didn't give him the time of day. I could care less. If he wants to be gay good for him, don't shove a guy down my throat!

Now I may be wrong if reacting the way I do but I just can't stand it having to tell people again and again that when I find that special someone then I will and no one should force me in a relationship I just don't wanna be in! And another thing that ticks me off is when she gets in a relationship and shoves it in my face like:

"I'm in a relationship, you're not, you're a loser and weird!"

And she won't stop there, if I don't like the guy she DEMANDS me to accept him because "I'm family". Now really, do you really think her being my cousin will be an excuse? Hell, she's not even my real cousin for God's sake.

OK, I fell much better now LOL I just felt like sharing.
July 17th, 2007 at 08:47am