oh so many people will hate me for this lol

"MCR saved my life!" *swoons*

OK...so why would you want to admit that you were suicidally depressed until you heard a few overly emotional songs? Wouldn't that make you feel worse?? Don't get me wrong, I love the band. I've even seen them in concert. I find it kinda pathetic how the fans have become such a cult.

My favorite rapper is ABK but do you see me going all nuttzo and saying 'Oh I heard a few songs while I was really depressed about dropping my ice cream cone. Now I'm okay cuz his music helped me realize it's okay to be sad!" *thumbs up*

If you write fan fictions about them, then whatever. At least make it interesting! Trust me, I've read some pretty kick ass fan fictions. I even am in the process of writing one. Call me a hypocrite if you want...whatever. I just know that if I post one of my stories that aren't about my chemical romance no one will read it. You people like them therefore you like the stories which means more people are likely to read it than if it was one of my ghost stories.

It's kind of sad I have to base my characters on real people just to get your attention.

I'm not saying all they're music is like that. As I stated before: I LIKE THEM. I just hate over half the fans. I think everyone makes too much of a big deal out of it. Chill out...seriously. they're just a group of people with a talent for writing and performing music. Even so, lately it doesn't take much to be considered having talent in the music business. A monkey could probably be the next pop star of the generation!

Seriously...they're just people. They aren't Gods. I think there are more people worshiping them than an actual religion.

I don't care if you get pissed at me for this. I got my point across.
July 18th, 2007 at 02:55am