i feel the need to rant!!

some people REALLY need a spelling lesson!!!!!!

there is a 16 year old girl who was in my english class last year, and she couldn't spell the word 'DOES' . she kept writing 'DOSE' instead!
And instead of writing 'OCCASION' she wrote 'AUCTION'. The two words have COMPLETELY DIFFERENT meanings!
Is there anyone else who thinks that is RIDICULOUS at her age?!

i think people who can't spell simple words like 'does' at the age of 16 are just really lazy! Why don't people want to educate themselves?! Do they want to be completly ignorant?
I mean, there's this whole thing going on right now where kids and teenagers think it's cool to cut class, and not try hard in school, and it is just SILLY and PATHETIC!
School isn't only about learing algerbra and everything - it's also about learning to deal with other people, and relate to them! And also, COMPROMISE! Sometimes, you just have to put up with stuff that you don't like!
E.G. The nasty old teacher gave a kid a detention for talking in class while THEY were talking. It's so unfair! How DARE that teacher give them a detention for being RUDE?!

when you are referring to MORE THAN ONE PERSON the word is THEIR, not THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! e.g. 'Lucy, Anna and David went home, and put THEIR coats in the cupboard.'

*end of rant*

I apologise to anyone i have offended, but that is my opinion. I could write much more, and explain in much more detail, but i want to go to bed in a minute.

isabelle x
July 18th, 2007 at 06:52am