
Okay, so on Sunday, one of my friends hung himself. He was a great kid and will always be in my heart, no matter what.
I miss him terribly and cant go fifteen minutes without feeling like bursting into tears. Its hard to get through school because all the teachers do is send you to the counselor's office when they see you crying.

It really upsets me that he would do something like that. He was always so happy and cheerful, and he didnt even know that he was going to die.

He and his mother got into a big argument, which was normal for those two. My friend stormed off to his room and tied a rope around his closet hanger. He was just going to play "The Choking Game", but he panicked when the chair fell from under him, and didnt have time to think to unstrap the belt.

When his mother found him in the closet, he wasnt dead, but his pulse was very low, so she called an ambulance.
But, they were to late.
They tried to revive him, and got one heartbeat before his heart gave out.

I didnt go to the viewing.
I didnt go to the funeral.
I couldnt take it, and I dont think that he would've wanted us to be sad over him.
I know that he's in a better place now, and that hes not hurting anymore. But, its hard to actually believe that hes gone after talking to him last friday.

Please, if your thinking about suicide, or even thinking bout attempting it, stop.
Think of all of the people that would be sad because of the loss of one of their friends.
Think of how your parents or your siblings will cry over you day after day.
Think of how you were planning on going to that party or buying those shoes.
Think of how the person who loves you most will feel.

Suicide, in my opinion, is a very selfish thing to do.
You think that your taking the easy way out, but you'll have tons of guilt for not settling arguments or talking to somebody about something.
The only thing your going to do is hurt others, and if you dont succeed, yourself as well.

So, if your thinking of ending your life, talk to somebody.
Your mom.
Your dad.
Your friends.
Your cat.
Your dog.
Your goldfish.

Because I would bet any amount of money that someone would be willing to help.
Dont believe me?
Think about talking to the second to the last person on the list.
Trust me.

March 8th, 2007 at 10:41pm