LMFAO! I'm in TV Guide! xD [And I totally PWNED them.]

I'm so goddamn lame that I fucking read TV Guide.
Anyway, One day I read an article in TV Guide about this tv chef's breasts.
It was about the Cheers & Jeers section.
See, first some lady Jeered about Giada De Laurentii's breasts always being exposed. I've seen that show before, and never really noticed. So that lady was a perv. But I ignored it.
Then like, a week or so later I read the article about her breasts. It was just a bunch of people talking about how great her cleavage is! EW!
So I was like, "Dude. Giada needs to file a sexual harassment lawsuit."
Then, I decided to do something about this. I e-mailed TV Guide about this shit.
What I wrote was pretty gay, but it's fucking TV Guide. Not AP.

"Jeers to TV Guide for dedicating an entire page to Giada's cleavage. If I wanted to read about boobs, I'd buy Playboy." [<-I FUCKING PWNED THEM, SON! lol]

Guess how I signed it.
Well, I never sign things with my real last name. I went by my writing name.
Bri Way.

So, this morning my dad comes in and is like "Wow, this girl's from Bloomingburg, NY!" [Where I live YOU FUCKING STALKERS.] I look at it, and see "Bri Way", and break out laughing.

So yeah. People who read the 7/16-7/22 issue of TV Guide, along with everyone on MySpace, and now anyone reading this, know me by Bri Way.
Luckily, I don't think Gerard reads Cheers & Jeers. lmao

July 20th, 2007 at 08:03pm