Okay, I need to let this out or I explode.

Some of my closest friends are really pissing me off atm, and I wonder what I've done at all. I've done nothing to hurt them and they leave me and my other friend there in the dark. It's like we don't exist and we don't matter anymore. I mean WTF!?!
They went somewhere without me and my friend the other week. And it hurt inside to know that i didn't matter to them. I didn't express myself enough t let them know how much it hurt me. But it killed me a little inside. I've known these people for three years now. And when abd things happen, they do their best to make it worse. nxt time I see them, I'll have to say thanks to them. Thanks for making my life, just that little bit worse to send me over the edge.

I love these two. I really do. But when tehy leave me out and they separate the group, it hurts. It's like were something bad that tehy can't be around because they might get infected. But the fact is that they can't even tell us what their problems are. They tell each other. Trying to make out that we don't care, when we care a lot. I hope this phase doesn't last long. I hope we can sort it out. But somehow I'm doubting it,

Fuck Sake

Thanks for reading my rant

July 21st, 2007 at 06:13am