My parents r being idiots and they always say, Drew, now ur coming on too strong, let the girl breath and let her come after u,

But thats wat i do, i let them ask the qs and once i get to know them better i ask if they want to hang out maybe once a month or week

Parents r just wierdos(lol), jk. that dont understand wat we teens go throught these days and they think they know exactly how it feels cause they think they know evrything and they frickin go way 2 far w/ it

My parents r really different from normal parents cause of the way they dont let me live my own life, they interupt and butt in whenever i tell them not2

All my friends from elemantary school saw me @ the pool w/ 2 girls and thought that, and still think im going out w/ 2 girls and they respect me more even though i was just hangin out but they dont need to know tht right
July 22nd, 2007 at 11:21am