my friend just asked me what my definiton of 'depression' is, read what i wrote back,tell me wat you think

uhm gah i dont know,i guess when,
your've lost yourself,you dont know who you are anymore,you may have like an appearence that says your something and thats how people like know you but you yourself are lost in you.uhm, sometimes,if things are going bad you could confind yourself in your own mind,be completly anti socibal even on a computer/writting.
competly forget about the good that you see and focus all the negative/sad/angry big or even the smallest things in your head.Things lie that can change to a physical image.Cutting not just for attention,but out of frustration and escape.Eating disorders,eath feeding yourself alot,making a image you may hate and keep doing it to yourself.or eating but later throwing up because you feel is liek making the bad inside you go away.Or not eating at all beause you feel theres nothing else to do.
yeah i dunno.

i dunno if it was ny good.
does anyone agree with what i said?
July 22nd, 2007 at 04:05pm