I'd really appreciate some help...

Hey everyone, I'm haven't been on here for a while, but now I'm going to be really cheeky and ask you guys for a favour.

My grandads been taken into hospital again and this thime the doctors have pretty much said that they don't think he'll be coming out. Obviously this is a massive thing for me and my family, and my mums taking it really harshly which basically means shes screaming at us about the littlest things and I've been pretty much banned from the computer.

Some of you are reading my story and will know that I haven't posted anything recently, so I'm asking you to bare with me. I'm meant to be going to Italy tomorrow with my family which has caused even more problems because my mum's refusing to go in case my grandad dies when we're over there, but she's insisting that me, my borhter and my dad go across, which none of us are happy about. So there's a load of shit between my parents as well and they're virtually planning their divorce.

So yeah, things aren't too good at the moment,.

If any of you are particualrly religious I'd really appreciate it if you could spare some time to pray for my grandad.

If any of you want to read my fic as well then it would cheer me up to find some nice comments on there, seeing as writing it is stopping me from going insane.

Thanks everyone
July 22nd, 2007 at 07:09pm