
i was reading an article in a magazine the other day bout music and there was something in there bout emos. so i red it.
Ppl had sent in stories bout how they have been labeled an emo.

One was that they listen to MCR -now i have this to say "who ever thinks that listening to MCR or the Used or any other band like that is emo u r F**ked in the head. Listening to a certain type of music doens't make u an emo or anythin for that matter!"

Another was that they were good at drawing and did lots of someone came up to them and labeled them an emo My comment agen -"I draw i listen to MCR and the Used does that make me an emo?" i asked someone that and they sed "Yes kheira ur an emo and we can no longer be friends if ur gonna keep it up" so i ended the friendship... y should i have to change for someone who doesn't like "emos".

So if you've been labeld an emo don't take it personally because secretly they probably do the same thing.
And if you are emo i salute you u guys are individuals and proud to be.
July 23rd, 2007 at 05:36pm