so fun last night

well i just got off the phone with Emily and we talked on the phone from 10 PM to 7 AM lol. NO sleep and im so freaking dizza but yea i guess just being on the phone with her for like 2 nights doing this we shared allot of things bout our life's. but yea it was really fun because like at like 1 i fell asleep for 2 sec and had a dream bout a little kid getting his head smashed with a pan lol. but yea i really care for her. and then i heard a song that i really like at like3 and i told her the name and then i forgot it but i found the song lol. and so yea we have these little words that we say like pudding = friend love. but lately i have been getting in fights with one of my best friends and i dont know whats going on between us anymore sometimes i just wish i could go find her and give her a bug HUG lol bt im going to stop now because i think my dads comeing up lol bye
July 23rd, 2007 at 07:41pm