Expressing Yourself in a Picture

At my pretty boring school (others might disagree) the year 12's paint pictures so we can action them off and and make money (cheap ass school). but anyway majority of the painting are very good and are about the ocean or a re-make of a photograph (i don't like those ones) and then you get the others you've got the crap ones and then the really emotional ones that really make you think about them because it's got so much detail. Two that i saw this year i thought was on depression. One was very complicated lots and lots of detail and use of dark colours the other was a really simple one with a green background and a person (almost a stick figure) sitting on a log in front of a pool of water and it was raining. I always wondered if people painted these picture when they go through a rouge patch in there life or if those sorts of pictures just interest them.

I remember my first pictures jeez they were shit, until i decided to prove to my friend that i was a better drawer than her (hehehe) and i drew that rabbit that you'll see on my page. so i decided to draw more animals i drew a baboon and wolves (my Favourite) and horses. Then when i went through a rough patch of my own with my anger problems my mother got worried because my paintings/drawings also got more violent. Such as Dinosaurs ripping each others throats out and wounded animals (pics soon coming if you want a peek ). as soon as i got help (thank you tablets) my drawings went back to sweet animals such as sloths and turtles but i didn't realize that as i was drawing slow moving animals i was also developing sleep insomnia getting more and more tired and having less and less sleep. I didn't realize this until my doctor pointed this out. And he pulled my mum aside and warned her that lack of sleep can cause serious depression and if she starts to realize this then let him know. Well what happened I drew the 4 Horses of the Apocalypse, a battle between life and death, unicorns says that they will kill you in your sleep killer bunnies (the mad-hatter see pics) everything i drew had completely black eyes know whites were shown. As my home paintings got more depressing i was doing an art project, it was a child's story book. It was called Around the World and Back. It was about mythical creatures (because i can only draw animals) and my teacher warned me not to get off the track with it being a "child's" book not a graphic book. At first there were two dragons then the kracken then a werewolf howling at the moon a unicorn on a killing spree, a Pegasus with its evil spirit about to take over, Merry-go-round horses broken off the rails going after little kids and then i decided to stop because there were to many pages (hahaha that was the only reason).

I'm still on my dark drawing/painting stage of life, but I'll go back to my point does paintings and drawing express Wait your suffering, or the pain that your feeling or even if your going through the most happiest time of your life? I think it does.
July 24th, 2007 at 07:18pm