First Journal

Yo, people.

Holy shit. Last night was awesome. Okay, so firstly, I have to go to more concerts because I barely MOVED and my neck feels like shit. But it was awesome.
We saw this shitty band called Chalkdust. They were local and kind of sucked. The drummer is a dick head.
But the second band, The Perfect Trend, was awesome.
They played so well.
We were talking to them a bit before they played and they were cool. The guitarist didn't talk much at first but after they played, he came up to me and my friend Pam and asked what we thought and stuff. He was really nice. His name was Liam. He was fucking awesome on the guitar too. People like that make me want to break my hands if they don't learn to play. lol.
Then Unreasonably Doubted played. They were at my first concert. Mike, one of the members, told my friend Shay if she beat me up he'd give her a free t-shirt.
She tried to convince me to fight her for like, 20 minutes.
We were like, the last people that weren't actually involved in the show to leave. xD
It was awesome. Liam talked to us again before we left.
I wanted to talk to Paul from Unreasonably Doubted, but he was really busy.
Anyways, it was fun.

Onto other things!

About my stories.
I am going to post more later on Go Ahead, Call Me Crazy and It Doesn't Matter When You're Dead.
I have kind of a writer's block with Kill All Your Friends, so I'll prolly update that tomorrow.

Anyways... I'm tired and sore, so I'ma go lie down.
I'll update those stories later.
March 10th, 2007 at 09:48pm