It's My Turn for a Rant, Damn It!

You know what? It's my turn for a rant.

So, my brother.... let's call him Robert, he doesn't act like he is my brother, but to other peoples siblings, he acts like he has been there since birth with them. He helps them out with their problems, but doesn't help me with mine.

If I ask him to listen to me and talk with me he tells me no. But, he does stick up for me, I'll give him credit for that.

But... he doesn't act like he's my brother. That's what I want though, I want him to act like he's my brother.

I found something on his best friends little sisters' myspace page, and it fed my fire even more....

"this be my big brotherbobby robert, although were not related he call me his cousin! he is one of the only guys that i trust. he may not know it but he means alot to me. hes always the shoulder im on when im passed out or "turfed". he listens to me when im sad and always knows the right thing to say. i feel safe when im with him even when hes drifting my car and im soooooo drunk outta my mind! we have the same birthday! he trust me way too much! bobby let me dye his hair pink when i was sooo gone!! he never fails to put me in check and swing me over his shoulder and carry me like a screaming toddler! i love you "step-cousin"!"


I'm done.
July 26th, 2007 at 08:12am