music taken from my soul

alright here's what happened
my friend sara and her younger sister ((only a year and a half younger not that bad)) were going to the red jumpsuit, scary kids scaring kids, and emery concert last night.
my friend nicole and i were on our way back from a forensics tournament an hour away
when we were about 15 minutes away from home sara called nicole to tell her ellen ((her sister)) decided that she didn't want to go to the concert anymore.
she was giving sara her ticket to give away to anyone.
well needless to say sara invited nicole to go to the concert. sara and i have been best friends for the last 6 years and nicole and her have only known each other for like three and a half years.
i was really shocked that she didn't ask me to go because she knows that the red jumpsuit and scary kids are two of my favorite bands.
i found out that she didn't ask me because it was at a bar.
she knows that most likely i wouldn't have been able to go.
it really doesn't make me mad at her. it makes me mad at my parents.
they don't seem to realize that i am no longer the little 13 year old i was so long ago
my parents have kept me from doing things for so long that no body even asks me to do anything any more.
it is so irritating.
virtually 19 1/2 months till i am out of here
i can't wait
March 11th, 2007 at 04:15pm