I think I'm dying.. well, atleast on the inside..

Ok so me and my bf have been going out for 2 1/2 years. and the other week I broke up with him bc i felt like i didnt like him anymore and then we got back together bc it made no sense bc we still were together all the time.
but then wednesday, he ignored me in math for like half a min (i know it might sound overdramatic but its not ok..lol) so i ignored him the rest of the day and in our last class a friend told the teacher that we had broke up and after that class he asked me since when were we broke up and i said "since last week." and i didnt think he would take it seriously...
But anyways, we didnt talk the rest of the day and the next day he took all his stuff out of my locker and didnt even go near me, so friday i gave him all the stuff he ever gave me back, and it didn't even seem like he cared. It's so horrible. And he promised me that if we ever break up that we'd still be friends. How could he do that. I can't even believe it. I just want him to choke and die. Im so depressed, I haven't eaten since friday...seriously..and now I'm starting to shake. and I can't get myself to eat. I dont know what to do.
March 11th, 2007 at 07:28pm