Warped Tour on Sunday!!! Can't wait!!! I've been clinging to the tickets all week. Tomorrow my mom and I are leaving for the cities and then we're going out for supper with my cousin and then us three are gonna stay in a hotel then go to Warped Sunday and have lots of fun while I stalk Ronnie Radke and Max from Escape The Fate(GREAT band by the way) and probably Aaron Gillespie while I'm at it...There'll be lots more to keep me busy while I'm not watching any bands play and I've got my mom so close to talked into letting me go in the mosh pits!! AHHHH haha, but anyway, I'm feeling a LOT better now that I know Malia's with her sister. She worried the fuck out of me...so if you read this Mila, you scared the shit out of me!!! Now I don't have to spend the weekend worrying about you, thank god! haha well enough of me babbling. Usually I don't talk this much at one time, but this is just proving how bored I am...
July 28th, 2007 at 11:56am