Clearing the clutter from my mind and my PC (as if there's a difference).

UGH I went away for awhile and the internet connection sucked so I couldn't update until now. Well I'm back now and I decided to look my stories over and see how to connect them to what I'd written in my notebook. It was then that I realized something. Things you do (or write) at 3 a.m. will always embarass you later. I'll never do it again * looks at clock "2:05 S****!*.

Alright so I've deleted all three of the stories I have on my account. Pick your jaw up I have copies on my computer. I'm going to start from scratch or at least make a few (major) revisions to what I already have. This time I'll sleep on it before publishing.

I really missed writing here. I actually used to have alot of trouble putting pen to paper, but once you really get started it's very hard to stop isn't it?

I also missed my Mibba friends which include, but aren't limited to and in no particular order:
Dirt bag 911
Jake's girl
rip van winkle hellsing
and others of course.


Phew it's good to be back.
July 29th, 2007 at 06:19pm