Being me!

[Ok so im reading this blog on myspace and it makes a lot of sense to me and I read some off the comments and people don’t get why its all so important about what this person thinks! I then go to my messages and there is one from a friend that just needs to talk, and she says "people don’t understand why we're different because to us, they are different, and they don’t get why we care so much" so I decided to right my own blog that makes sense and so people will maybe realise how stupid they are to people because we apparently are the ones that are different.]

After some emails about this I'm going to say what I think.
‘We can be who we want to be, so let us be it.’
Beauty, vanity, self-confidence. Being put down.
I know I talk a lot of bull and say exactly how I feel.. because I can actually think for myself. And EVERYONE needs to be like that.

I'm NOT an emo, a punk, a greb, a goth, or any of your stupid little labels. I'm not trying to hide anything by being who I am, because I let my insides show through. Every day! I don't cut myself, I don't hate myself, but I do cry, every one should because its an emotion and you people don't think we should show them.

I believe in self-love. And I don't mean acting like a bitch and pretending your the best thing on earth, because no one is. But being confident get's you a lot further then second guessing yourself and wishing you were someone else. I used to do it and I realised I was wasting my life.

You may think celebrities are perfect but you should all know better than that. I love just sitting down with my mates and talking about music, and guys and random things.

I've been called every name you could think of. But I love it, because by being myself I'm opening up other people's closed minds. Because no one's opinions matter but YOUR OWN. If I cared what anyone thought of me, I wouldn't have gotten this far with my life. Sadly, there isn't a pill you can swallow that makes you feel perfect. Nothing's that easy. But when you really think about it.. nothing anyone says to you means anything. Because if YOU know who you are, then that's ok. Whether you're anorexic, overweight, gay, bi, straight, black or white, believe in something different.. it DOESNT matter if someone doesn't agree.

If you're not being yourself because you're afraid, please stop.

There's nothing else to it. Let all your walls down and just realize you only live once. So don't let anyone judge you because you like something they don't.
You get one life. That's it. So if someone chooses to be an alcoholic, a junkie, a Christian, a queen, a mother, an emo, or even themselves, what ever they want to be.. DEAL WITH IT because its NOT your life. Maybe you don't care what I have to say and you can judge me all day long and say I'm nothing, but I KNOW I'm everything. I'm going to say what I want and I know it will help some people.

Whether you never look in the mirror, or you spend hours looking at yourself: go bitch, love it and live it.
July 29th, 2007 at 10:09pm