I can't title this cuz there's no one topic. Teenagers, Contests sites, Sleep, Waycest, Wayberg?

First, I'll talk about something important-ish.

So, I watched the making of Teenagers.
And, I liked it.
Before, I was still slightly unsure of the meaning of the song.
Though, I always over-analyze things.
But, when Gerard explained it, I got it.
And it made me realize that we are all way too fucked up.
We live too fast and die far too young.
I have a feeling I myself will die at the ripe old age of 17.
I mean, I know teenagers have been doing drugs and shit for years, but back then it was mostly pot.
Now, fucking 15 year olds are snorting coke.
14 year olds are fucking, and thinking nothing of it.
Kids are cutting, crying, and becoming fucking alcohalics 13.
Plus, our generation is so much lamer for the fact that we get fucked up, and go on myspace posting bulletins "LOLZ I'M SOO FUVKED UP!!11!!ONE!!".
Teenagers are supposed to love music and friends. Not sex and heroine.
But, obviously the older generations are to blame.
I mean, alcohalism is passed down, and if you have beer lying around, I'm pretty sure eventually you're gonna try some.
Not to mention the weird OLD pervs, the people who're having wars, and the dead beat parents that force kids to grow up way too early.
Anyway, now I like that song a little bit more because it made me think...
It makes me want to change myself.
I probably won't, but it's a nice thought... :]
[This was a bulletin, but I thought I'd share it with all of you on Mibba =D]

Yeah. I'm pretty happy with myself right now.
I had this contests site, and it was called "Wake The Dead" and it did terrible.
Like, one contest. And prolly 3 s4s's in it's fucking lifetime.
It only got to 200 friends cuz I supported it on my site, which at the time only had about 1k. [1000]
But yeah, I totally changed it.
Now it's called razrSHARP Contests.
I came up with that name by accident actually.
I was listening to Bullets, [I had been all day] and vampires will never hurt you came on.
And I was going through ImNotOkay.net's lyrics for a site name insperation.
So I decide to look up those lyrics since it's on.
Found "Razor sharp white teeth".
And it was gonna be "razorSHARP" but I forgot the o.
But yeah, my cousin, whom I don't talk to much added the site, so now I'm a little worried that she'll find my fan fic site.
There's son NC-17 shit on there...
But yea.

I don't think I'm nocternal anymore! =D

I was thinking of posting my WAYCEST on here.
[Mikey + Gerard]
It's like, bad.
I re-read it last night, and I was like "OMFG! WTF?!"
But it's gotten the most feedback, and all of it was positive.
But the thing is, I posted a journal on here about how labels suck, and that got deleted.
Wwhat about descriptive sex between brothers?
And you know someone's gonna comment this like "you're gross!"
Oh hush. You think I'm proud?
Besides, it's art.

Oliver: Gerard Way's my dad.
Me: Who'd he fuck, Whoopi Goldberg?!

I doubt people read it. :3
July 30th, 2007 at 07:02pm