get warped.

warped tour, 2007.
it was saturday in chicago.
tinley park.
we got lost on the way there,
picked up my friends from downtown chicago,
almost got jumped at a gas station on the south side.
i had 4 hours of sleep, two coffees, and a shit load of sun block.
i had a freek energy drink on the way down there...
it made me look like i chewed on a frickin' highlighter for breakfast.
there were these crazy chicks that we met in the parking lot, and then randomly saw them multiple times throughout the day.
i fell twice during blessthefall's set,
in the pit.
my calf made friends witha fence,
and i have the bruises to prove it.
my kneww is skinned so bad,
and where it isnt a scab,
it's bruised.
i have a new hole in the knee of my jeans,
i tore off the hems at the bottom,
'cause people kept stepping on them, [thats why i fell so much.]
i fell backwards during the red jumpsuit apparatus' set,
and i have scratches on my back,
but thanks to some guy in a green t-shirt,
i didnt die.
i had the wind knocked outta me, and he picked me up,
i got kicked in the head so many times,
and during underoath's set,
after i crowd surfed [to "It's Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door", which is one of my favorite songs.]
some one kicked me in the head while they were crowd surfing,
everything went black,
when i opened my eyes, or maybe when i could see again,
i was on the floor,
people were supprounding me,
there was some guy between me and ashley, my friend, [and her boyrfirend nick]
he wouldnt move,
so finally she elbowed him in the gut
and grabbed me,
i couldnt stand up,
and nick pulled us up,
i bent over and i had to throw up,
ashley and nick pushed me though the crowd
i was crying
and i couldnt breathe.
i got to the edge,
and had my back agains the fence,
i was holding on for dear life,
hyperventilating. [panic attack, to the mega.]
some really nice guy, who was an emt, but didnt work there,
calmed me down,
and told nick to go get aparamedic,
when the paramedic came,
he asked me to walk over to the tent with him,
the emt guy was like "NO. you bring her water. you never make a patient walk."
he was so nice though
i finally calmed down
and thanked the emt profusely
and walked over to the tent
told the paramedics my name, age, etc,etc,
and they gaver me water
i chugged 4 cups,
gave one to ashley and one to nick, [hey, it was free. it was $4 for a bottle of water.]
and they gave me an ice pack made of a rubber glove.
i walked out to the car.
[thank god it was like 8.30, and there were no more shows that i wanted to see.]
i got out there, with my free cd's and the one that i paid $5 for. [parade the day, they're amazing.]
and all the little pices of paper,
and my phone, which was almost dead,
and i called the friends that i had rode with and told them where i was,
and then puked up the 4 cups of water, the coffee, and the granola bar that i had that morning [that was all i had to eat.]
we went to burger king,
and some nice guys from the show let us in,
even though we weren't supposed to be let in.
and i had a veggie burger and
three cups of water
and the biggest fries they would give me.
then i felt better
we almost got lost on the way home,
but we got it.
then we dropped my friends off,
they live in wrigleyville,
then we stopped at a white castle for more water.
then we were on the road,
and made it almost all the way back on an empty gas tank
we turned onto route 120 off of 41,
rolled the car 4 blocks down to a gas station,
thank god there were no stoplights,
and thank god we didnt have to get out and push.
then i got home around one,
took some pictures of my battle wounds,
and went to bed.
im so freakin' sore,
i have bruises that i didnt know i got,
everything hurts,
i had the most fun i've had in a year,
[last year's warped tour was amazing too]
i crowd surfed for the first time.
it was amazing.

thats all.
July 31st, 2007 at 06:11am