My freakin new obsessions (other than RyRo <3)

OKay so Im getting obsessed with .............

1) Tokio Hotel. (meh, I'm lame)
2) Alex 'Heartbreak' Evans (oh, yeeah I went there)
3) Hot Topic (I never shopped there much but Im obsessed. I think its because it pisses my mom off HAHA)
4) Audrey Kitching and Hannah Beth 's Hair. HAHAHAHA
5) Keeping up with Appearances (an old british comedey)
6) Wanting to kill Hannah MOntana. (she makes me want to kill her more and more everyday)
7) Transformers, TMNT, and Pokemon. HAHAHA (My little cousin got me addicted and I'm *such*
a kid at heart)
8 ) Hello Kitt and Pickachu (sp?)
9) The name Nathaniel..................................
10) Mercedes. (THIs girl who is like my BFFL and I knew her for only a week) She's my wifey, Vanessa you know your still my one and only so dont get mad.
July 31st, 2007 at 07:20am