labels are for canned goods

People these days don't understand. labeling people really does hurt them. you may not notice who, but look around and I’m sure you'll find at least 5 people who hate themselves because of those people who call them "emo", "poser", "prep," "punk," "whore," etc.

Think about the pregnant girl you passed today at school, you think it was her choice to be pregnant? think about how she felt when some guy she doesn't even know raped her 8 months ago. you don't feel too great about calling her a whore now do you? remember, one time is all it takes

Think about the homosexual kid at school that everyone passes by and calls "faggot." how do you think they feel being yelled at for something they are? you can not help who you are, you like who you like. it doesn't matter if you are a guy and you like guys, girls, both, whatever. the same if you are a girl and you like girls, guys, both, whatever. love is love.

think about the girl who you see sitting alone at lunch, eating her food out of a paper bag. do you think she likes taking a lunch from home when it seems like everybody else has money flowing out of their pockets? don't make fun of her, its not her fault. I’m sure her parents are trying as hard as they can to keep a roof over her head.

I know what its like, I’ve been there. my parents work hard for what we have and its not "trendy" if you don't have the latest fashions or whatnot. I’ve learned to appreciate everything I have. there is always someone out there who doesn't have a life as great as yours. Next time think before you speak.

-Suicide is the third leading cause of death among teenagers -- over 1,500 teens kill themselves each year.
-In 1998, there were 1,520 suicides among 13-18 year olds.
-About 1 in 12 high-school students say they have made a suicide attempt in the past year.-
More than 3 in 5 youth suicides involve firearms.

No, you will not die if you don’t repost this message in five minutes, a clown will not come out of the closet while you sleep and kill you.

{written by KAO. ©2007}


my friend posted this bulletin a little while ago
and as KAO. has a good point about labeling people
i've got a different opinion
and i'm in the mood to share it with all you lucky folks.
i'm not afraid to say LABEL ME ALL YOU FREAKIN' WANT
call me a bitch, call me a whore,
fat ugly stupid gay whatever floats your boat
you can call me a poser or spoiled or a loser
i don't really care because i'm happy the way i am
i have my friends and they like me the way i am too
if other people have a problem with it i'm sorry
i'm sorry i don't rise to your expectations of your average teenager
but your view on me isn't going to upset me
granted i maybe in a better finacial postion then KAO.
and i'm not the pregnant girl or the girl sitting alone
but i'm sure everyone gets sterotyped or labeled.
i have and yeah it really hurts sometimes but you have to think about
all those other teenagers out
everyone gets sterotyped and it hurts i know,
but you can't let the voice of one person
upset you or bring you down or whatever.
i'm sorry if what i said or about to say offends you
but i gotta get it out
instead of posting a bulletin to the people who sterotype or choice to hurt other people verbally and mentally
i'm gonna make this one for all the ones that are "being" sterotyped or hurt
don't worry what other people say to you
do your thing and be proud of yourself
stand up with your face to the sky
and think to yourself what they say doesn't matter because i like myself
and i'm going to change the world
i'm pretty sure Albert Einstein was labeled and made fun of
but look at him now
not that fact that he's dead
but look at what he's left us for our future
and William Shakespeare, forget the fact that he was probably an old skinny weird guy wearing tights and other people in his time probably thought he has a lunatic
and look at the messages he sent out,
not the one about teenage romance causing death,
the ones like uhh don't be afraid to be yourself
and don't worry about other peoples expectations
reach for your own goals
i know some of your are going to laugh at this
or ignore this or whatever
but i mean come one people
instead of worrying so much about how the kids in your school think of you
think of what the homeless people will think of you if you make them a pbandj sandwich
or what the people working there butts off over in africa to save peoples lives
will think of you when you have a fundraiser and send them a check
instead of worrying about peoples opinions that don't matter
and aren't going to do a darn thing to help anyone in this world
(except maybe dampen your poor spirit
but i guess that you being made fun of is more important then saving peoples lives)
you should work hard to help other poeple that can view you in a positive mannner
i can't say i wasn't worried about what people thought of me before
but i always had this one friend that didn't give a single thought to the people that hurt him or made fun of him and labeled him
i always wondered how he did it
and he said the doesn't want to waste time on people who think he's a waste of their time
or umm well something along those lines :P
i always wanted to be like that
not worrying about what anyone else has to say
and now i'm trying
i don't care about the things people say to hurt me
label me all you want, it's not going to upset me anymore
i'm learning to be a better person

i'm going to make the world a better pleace
even if you don't believe i can.

{written by KFD © 2007}
July 31st, 2007 at 09:42am